Whether you are a breeder or just a pet owner, it always seems to be a question. “What Gender is my bird truly?” Typically parrots are not “Dimorphic” meaning they are not visibly differentiated by sex. There are some exceptions to the rules, such as but not limited to; Eclectus, some species of Cockatoos, Indian Ringneck, Cockatiels, African Grey’s, etc. There are a multitude of ways in which sexing can be performed, Surgical Sexing and DNA Sexing are the most common forms. Typically DNA Sexing is the preferred route as it is very minimal risk to the birds health. A simple feather or blood sample will do the trick with DNA Sexing. A key part in sexing your feathered friend is Leg-banding, this eases the process of recording information for your bird. Leg Bands typically come with initials, year, and numbering. This can also be a great help in the case of the unfortunate event that you lose your bird. You will have a much easier time retrieving your bird now that people know who to get it back to. For more detailed information On Sexing and Leg Banding watch our Informational video demonstrated by Tony Silva.
Facebook Video (Spanish) - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=240657287373845&extid=jIvrClX36Hq22xMK